The Entrance to Vault 34 is surrounded by golden geckos. Vault 34: Marksman Carbine / All-American / Sniper Rifle So besides helping your weapons stay as deadly as possible, it means almost any weapon or piece of apparel you sell should be in perfect or near-perfect condition, meaning more caps. It also helps out when repairing various armour. This makes keeping your sniper rifles maintained much much easier. Level 14 (16 Skill Points): For whatever you like.Level 13 (15 Skill Points): 14 to Repair to get it to 90, the extra 1 point is yours to play with I started working my Guns skill toward 100.The perk I took here was Strong Back, to carry an extra 50 pounds means I can carry more stuff to sell, even though I can fill up my 2 companions inventories as well-meaning trips to the merchants are usually very profitable indeed.

Level 8 (16 Skill Points): Put all points on Science taking it to 62.However, I will still tell you what I chose and why. The perks you choose from here are really up to you, as the rest of this guide does not rely on any one perk being selected.